How Check Moi Kuwait Traffic Fine online And Pay

How Check Moi Kuwait Traffic Fine online And Pay

How Check Moi Kuwait Traffic Fine online And Pay. The moi Kuwait traffic fine online check service makes managing traffic violations simple and seamless for individuals, companies, and GCC residents. By using the Ministry of Interior and General Traffic Department’s electronic portal, you can manage fines efficiently without visiting physical offices.

Moi Kuwait Traffic Fine Online Check With Company Number

Follow these steps to check and pay traffic fines online using the moi portal in Kuwait:

  • Step 1: Go to the “MOI” website
  • Step 2: Select “Pay Violations” under “General Traffic Department.”
  • Step 3: Click on “Company
  • Step 4: Please enter your company number.
  • Step 4: Make an inquiry by clicking “Enquire
  • Step 5: Check out the details of your company’s violations.

Moi Kuwait Traffic Violation Check Using Civil ID

The process of checking traffic fines online is straightforward for individuals. Here’s how:

  • Step 1: Check out the “General Traffic Department” Website
  • Step 2: Click on “Pay Violations“.
  • Step 3: Make sure “Individual” is selected
  • Step 4: Please enter your Civil ID number.
  • Step 5: Click the “Enquire” button.
  • Step 6: Identify the types, dates, and amounts of your violations.

Kuwait Traffic Fine Check Via Number Plate

The following steps can be followed by residents of the GCC to check their traffic violations online by number plate:

  • Step 1: Log on to the “MOI” Website
  • Step 2: Click to the GCC residents section.
  • Step 3: Provide information about the vehicle
  • Step 4: Type your vehicle’s number plate and alphabet plate.
  • Step 5: Press the “Inquiry” button
  • Step 6: Follow payment procedures if necessary and check for violations.

Types Of Kuwait Traffic Violations And Penalties

Kuwaiti traffic violations are punishable by fines and points on your driving record. You can avoid them by understanding them.

Traffic Violation Penalty Points Confinement Fine
Driving without a License 30 points Three months KD 100
Reckless Driving 30 points Three months KD 100
Exceeding Speed Limits Varies Not specified Varies

Moi Kuwait Traffic Fine Payment

The Moi portal makes it easy to pay traffic fines online. Following these steps will result in the fines being paid successfully:

  • Step 1: Navigate to the MOI Pay Violations website
  • Step 2: Pick the “Individual” category and enter your Civil ID.
  • Step 3: Choose the ticket you want
  • Step 4: Complete the payment process.
  • Step 5: Please enter your Bank Information
  • Step 6: Click “Submit” and follow the instructions.
  • Step 7: Get a receipt
  • Step 8: Make sure you keep a copy. Traffic

MOI ensures the security of all online transactions. Data and financial information are protected by encryption and safe payment gateways.

Benefits Of Online Fine Management

Online fine management offers several advantages, including:

Convenience: Users do not have to visit physical offices to check or pay fines.

Time-Saving: Both individuals and administrative staff benefit from the streamlined process.

Accessibility: Users can manage fines online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Transparency: Online fine details enhance transparency and accountability.

FAQs About Moi Kuwait Traffic Fine

How Can I Check My Kuwait Fine?

  • Kuwait’s Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) has a website.
  • Choose the Card & Payment option.
  • On the provided box, enter your Civil ID number.
  • See if your Civil ID has any fines associated with it.

How To Check Individual Police Fines?

Visit the Emirates ID website and log in with your ID number and PIN to check for any associated fines. Then, you can check for any pending fines and make the necessary payments.

How Can I Check My Travel Ban In Kuwait?

Kuwaiti citizens who are involved in disputes or investigations can check whether they have a travel ban by entering their civil ID number on the Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior’s website, located here. Travel bans can be imposed by multiple Kuwaiti government agencies, so this database is not exhaustive.


The MOI has made it extremely easy for you to check your traffic fine online, thanks to its online services available on the MOI website. If you follow the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to quickly check your fines and pay them, which will ensure a hassle-free experience for you.

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